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White Noise "Reverb Relax" (MP3 Download) 1 Hour for Tinnitus, Anxiety, Stress, Babies and Sleep

Reverb Relax - White Noise (MP3 Download)


"Reverb Relax - White Noise" is specifically designed to help you wind down. The audio emphasises the chill out effect by gradually fading away over 62 minutes - allowing you to gradually let go.  At the same time, the higher sound frequencies slowly diminish, allowing for a continuous WARM and CALMING soundscape towards the end.  Let the audio guide your body and mind.  Make sure you listen to the whole MP3 for maximum benefit.

Format: MP3 Audio
Duration: 62 minutes
Audio by: Jon Brooks

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Whether you are suffering from crippling Generalized Anxiety, Relationship Problems, Panic Attacks, Depression, Adrenal Fatigue, PTSD, Agoraphobia or an Energy Disorder, you can take back control of your physical and emotional wellbeing; be kind to yourself.  Give your sympathetic nervous system a break… your adrenal gland, hypothalamus and amygdala will thank you for it!  This audio was produced for empaths, highly sensitive, babies, creative people and for those with a high emotional intelligence, to help find the inner strength to battle through difficult and traumatic situations.

Add this CALMING audio to your music and sound collection and allow yourself some time to SLOW DOWN; reduce STRESS and ANXIETY with "Reverb Relax - White Noise".

"Reverb Relax" is ideal for Meditation, Yoga, Helping Babies Sleep, Chronic Fatigue, Mindfulness, Reiki Healing, Massage, Reflexology, Sleep Disorders and other relaxation techniques.  It is highly effective at inducing sleep and can be used as a way to help your brain get into a meditative state.  The constant, yet diminishing wall of sound encourages the body, mind, heart rate and breathing to slow down. It's even more effective if you can listen with headphones on.  Combat negativity and a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms and sensations.

Jon Brooks YouTube channel:

Millions of people have physically and psychologically benefitted from the use of white noise; why not try out "Reverb Relax White Noise" now!  Make sure you experience the whole audio track.  (It's a good idea to turn off your phone so you're not distracted).  Sit down (or lie down), close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and concentrate on this soundscape to clear your mind.  Boost your mental health, be who you want to be, promote inner peace and heal your soul.  Enjoy!



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Audio for Anxiety, Stress, Babies, PTSD, Sleep, Meditation Music, Relaxing Music for Babies, Music for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Yoga Music, Massage, Therapy, Anxiety Attacks, Panic Attacks, Calming Down, Music for Sleeping, Chronic Fatigue Music, Fibromyalgia Music, Winding Down, Stress Relief, The Linden Method, Relaxing Music for Labor, Self-Help, Panic Away, Mental Health, Relationship Problems, Mindfulness, Self-esteem, Chakra Music, Music for Depression, 3rd Eye Music, Music for Relaxation, CBT Music, Relaxing Music for Kids, Sleep problems, Music for Insomnia, Visualization, Relaxation Music, Hypnosis Music, Music for Health and Beauty, Music for IBS, Music for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Music for OCD, Music for Panic Disorder, Music for Stress.

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